New Hire Orientation for Caregivers
Welcome to Our Family Friend!
We are so pleased you are joining us on this journey. Providing exceptional care to our clients is the reason we exist, and you were hand-selected to be a part of our “family”!

Our Family Friend
Who we are and what makes us different!
Our Core Values
Build relationships
Act with integrity
+1 Going above and beyond
+1 Spotlight
Every week we select a caregiver to receive our +1 award and we highlight that caregiver on our facebook page!
Company Structure
What makes us UNIQUE compared to other agencies?
Our project manager approach provides unprecedented oversight. All caregivers and and clients are supervised by a Client Care Manager who is supported by a Director of Client Care Services and Director of Training and Talent Retention.
You are not alone in the field!
Support is available day or night while you are working a shift.
Core Focus
What makes us UNIQUE compared to other agencies?
Our nimble nature and ability to customize and tailor our care to the specific needs of our clients. Our clients’ needs dictate the services they receive.
Our recruitment process strives to hire the best talent in the business and retain and promote that talent in our organization. We hire caregivers who desire to provide exceptional care, improve their skills through training, and have a heart for helping others.
Introduce Teams and Service area
It is the responsibility of all employees to protect and hold in confidence the following types of information:
Business information including passwords, client lists, financial data, marketing information, intellectual property, and company trademarks
Employee information including names, addresses, phone numbers, performance evaluations, and financial data
Client Information of any kind
HIPAA laws will be outlined later in this orientation
HIPAA Awareness
What does this mean for you as a caregiver?
It is acceptable to share private information about a client with:
Client’s designated family members
Our Family Friend staff within Clear Care. The CC Go app and the Clear Care management program have the appropriate safeguards to be HIPAA complian
It is NOT acceptable to share private information about a client:
Via text
In discussion with anyone other than:
Designated family members
Our Family Friend management
Designated healthcare providers
Do not use any social media comments or pictures that might indicate the identity or location of the client!
If you are not sure who you can/cannot speak with, please contact the appropriate Client Care Manager.
Be aware of your surroundings when discussing private client information!
update information
What if I make a mistake or witness another employee sharing private information about a client?
Report any breach of confidentiality to your manager immediately!
Our Family Friend management will investigate ways to prevent future breaches.
Know that you can be held personally liable for willful failure to protect a client’s private information:
$100 per person per violation
$25,000 per year for multiple violations
General Expectations
When working with our clients, it is our expectation that you will:
Arrive 7 minutes prior to your shift.
Clock in and out on time for each shift, and get prior approval from your manager if you work anything other than the scheduled shift time.
Follow appearance guidelines.
Always wear your name badge as part of the dress code.
Absolutely NO smoking or vaping during your shift (or before or after on the client’s property!)
Treat all clients, family members, medical personnel, and employees with dignity and respect.
Follow the client’s care plan.
If you see something that needs doing—DO IT.
Write a detailed Care Log for every shift.
Complete +1 Above and Beyond in Care Log.
NOTE: You may be asked to work back-to-back according to your availability.
Schedule Expectations
Late call-offs and no-shows can leave our clients vulnerable or prevent a caregiver from arriving to their next shift on time. This is truly an emergency situation for us! Please remember that your late notice creates a crisis for our staff as we scramble to fill the shift with a good match for the client.
Employees are expected to work ALL shifts as scheduled
Please inform your manager TWO weeks in advance of any schedule conflicts (this includes vacation, doctor appointments, etc.)
Schedule change requests are to be communicated to your manager with TWO week’s notice by submitting a New Availability Form. You can ask your manager for a New Availability Form or you can use the one that was previously emailed to you.
Emergency call-offs are to be communicated to your manager with as much notice as possible, including overnight hours
Recurrent NO-CALL/NO-SHOW instances are grounds for dismissal
Employees are expected to arrive at the client home seven minutes prior to the scheduled shift. This allows you to receive information from prior caregivers and to clock-in on time
Recurrent tardiness is grounds for dismissal!
update information
Communication is key in our industry. We work with a vulnerable population and it is imperative that all shifts are covered. In order to facilitate effective and timely communication, the following requirements must be met by caregivers:
You must have a valid email address and cell phone number enabled in the Clear Care system.
Availability should be communicated to your manager one month in advance.
Changes to availability and/or scheduled shifts should be communicated to your manager at least 48 hours in advance, if possible.
Emergency call-offs should be communicated to your manager or the manager on call as soon as possible—even during the night.
Pay Dates
Employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis
Work weeks are Tuesday – Monday.
If a payday falls on a holiday, employees typically will be paid on the day preceding the holiday
Paychecks will be direct deposited into the employees account as established in ADP
First paychecks can be delayed up to 30 days if paperwork and enrollment requirements have not been completed by you. If you set up ADP today you will not experience a delay.
We provide services to clients 24/7 365 days a year!
Holiday shifts will be paid at a rate of time and a half
We observe the following paid holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
Hourly caregivers are classified as non-exempt employees and are entitled to overtime pay in accordance with federal and state overtime provisions.
Overtime will be paid at 1.5 times the regular rate after forty hours of work in one work week period.
The Our Family Friend work week begins on Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Monday at midnight.
Live-in shifts are an exception to overtime and are paid at a flat rate.
COVID-19 Protocol
If you develop symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (such as fever or cough):
Contact your health care provider right away.
Contact your supervisor and do NOT go to work.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or suspect you have been exposed:
Contact your supervisor.
It is possible that you will not be able to return to work until you’ve been without a fever for at least 72 hours, and at least 10 days since your first symptoms appeared.
If you have had close contact (within 6 feet) for more than 20 minutes with a person with known or suspected COVID-19, and neither of you was wearing a mask, or if you have had contact with the secretions of a person with COVID-19:
Contact your supervisor.
It is possible you will need to self-quarantine for 7-14 days.
DHHS has updated guidance on COVID-19 quarantine periods based on new scientific findings released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC presented options to reduce the required number of quarantine days for individuals with known exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case. While the standard 14-day quarantine period remains, it can be reduced to 10 days if the following two conditions exist:
The individual does not develop any symptoms or clinical evidence of COVID-19 infection during daily symptom monitoring for the 10 days after the last exposure;
Daily symptom monitoring continues through day 14 after the last exposure.
Annual Review
You will receive an annual evaluation. The performance appraisal will allow you and your supervisor to discuss your contributions during the past year as well as any areas needing improvement.
Dee to update (old #47)
How Do I Get A Raise?
Raises must be earned!
Managers are consistently monitoring caregivers in the field and looking for the following:
Flexibility with schedules
Picking up 911 shifts when offered
Team-player attitude
Willingness to go above and beyond with every client
Versatility for working with all kinds of clients
Eagerness to increase skill set through training
Consistent attendance
+1 Above and Beyond
We are committed to providing the absolute best care to our clients. We will never be just a “body on the couch.” We challenge our caregivers to go Above and Beyond during each and every shift. These required activities should be noted in your Care Log as a +1.
What’s your +1?
Fixing your client’s hair or applying makeup?
Making a special meal?
Sharing a photo album?
Reading to your client?
Playing games with your client?
Bringing a movie to watch together?
Dee to update (old #48)
Service Map
Our Services
Companion Care Services include the following:
Bathing, grooming, using the toilet, and dressing
Medication reminders and prescription refills
Assisting client in setting up pill boxes when tasked by a manger
Light housekeeping and laundry
Errands and shopping
Meal planning and preparation
Transportation to appointments or meetings
We are a NON-MEDICAL companion care services provider. Services we do not provide include the following:
Nail trimming with diabetics
Administering medications unless directed by manager per hospice, nurse, or doctor
Setting-up medication boxes ( we can sometimes assist a client with filling them)
Injectables other than pre-dosed
Wound care
Assistance with IVs, ventilators, feeding tubes, catheters, colostomy bags
Medical advice
Our Service Availability
365 days a year (holidays included)
Hospice—end of life care
Unlike other agencies, we do not require a minimum required number of hours per client.
We offer 15 minute shifts to around-the-clock care. Whenever possible, short shifts are arranged back to back for the convenience of our caregivers.
Our Payer Sources
Our partner programs include:
VA-Veteran’s Administration
Pace-Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Private Pay
Hospice-end of life care
Lifeways-in home care provided to disabled individuals*
*additional training required to meet program guidelines
5-star rating and training (how it relates to hourly rate)
explain skill set training
CC Go App
Link to Go App Videos
Password – write it down!
Clock-in / Clock-out
Safe Shift Reporting Guidelines
Quality of Care
Care Log Entry
Work Safe Shift Guidelines
Select YES if:
You are injured sufficiently to require a trip to the ER or your doctor
The injury would qualify for worker’s compensation
The injury occurred DURING your shift
Select NO and contact your manager if:
A client yelled at you
You felt threatened
A client smacked or grabbed you, but you do not require medical treatment
update—who is going to contact them (team) old # 72
What happens next?
Caregiver 101
On The Job
Teepa Snow Dementia
make checklist for all requirements—update required (old #74)
Orientation Checklist
This orientation highlighted some important information. However, you are also responsible to know and understand the information included in the following documents that were emailed to you:
Caregiver job description
Guidelines for Non Medical Care chart
Care Log sample
Confidentiality Agreement
Non-solicitation Agreement
Reportable Conditions